Smelly Sweaty Feet - A Pitted Keratolysis Condition

Pitted Keratolysis (smelly sweaty feet) is not a very nice condition to have. It is a skin disorder that affects the pressure bearing areas on the soles and heels of your feet, you can also get in on the palms of your hands. It is due to a bacterial infection.

Pitted Keratolysis (smelly sweaty feet) has had many name changes over the years, but this name has stuck because the condition does look pitted. Pitted keratolysis occurs worldwide in all types of climates.

\"foot Soak\"

Smelly feet affects men and women of all ages. It is more common in men, athletes and military people who tend to develop the condition more because their unventilated footwear, which can cause sweaty, smelly feet. Pitted Keratolysis may also occur among men and women, wearing unventilated shoes, during periods of hot, humid weather.

Symptoms of Smelly Feet

Pitted keratolysis can cause excessive foot odour- really stinky feet. You can get sliminess, some soreness and itching on the soles of your feet. It can become quite painful when the lesions are present. The pit like lesions look like white patches of studded pitted areas, that can join together to make a larger crater looking lesion.

Helping Your Smelly Sweaty Feet Condition

To try to relieve smelly feet you must:

- Wash your feet in a antibacterial soap or antiseptic cleanser daily.

- Dry your feet thoroughly and do not share towels.

- Change to clean cotton socks daily.

- Try wearing open toe sandals to let the fresh air circulate around your feet.

- Avoid wearing the same shoes every day, try to alternate your footwear.

- Try using an anti fungal cream.

- Use potassium permanganate crystals in a daily foot soak.

- Always use surgical spirit to dry your skin and kill bacteria.

- Always seek the help and advice from your Podiatrist. provides the very best in Podiatry and medical products backed up with sound patient advise. We have great footcare and Podiatry articles, resouces, video, plus lots more...Visit us at to use our great online shop and seek the best footcare solutions!

Smelly Sweaty Feet - A Pitted Keratolysis Condition

Copyright © janet Webb 2009

Janet Lorraine Webb - Customer Services Manager-Webbs Podiatry


How to have comfortable pain free feet.



Tags : Exercise Workouts