What's Good For Preventing Body Odor?

Body odor is often a result of poor hygiene or excessive sweating. When perspiration is allowed to remain on the body for a several hours, bacteria multiply and breed. Sweat is odorless, but bacterial action will result in offensive odor. Nervousness, stress, or anxiety can produce heavy sweating and indirectly promote body odors. Men generally sweat more than women, so they usually have more body odor.

Internal health problems may also cause this condition. Problems such as diabetes, zinc deficiency, liver problems, kidney problems, chronic constipation, certain parasites, or a metabolism imbalance may cause body odor. A sluggish liver, in combination with the effects of constipation, is a common cause of body odor. Toxins that accumulate in our bodies can also be the cause of BO. In today's world we are bombarded with toxins in our food and environment that can store up in the body if the liver and kidneys fail to dispose of them. Toxins linger inside the body and may be eliminated through the skin. Additionally very strong-smelling foods such as certain spices, garlic and others have strong odors which are often emitted through the skin's pores. A proper and healthy diet should help in the complete digestion of ingested food and in the prompt elimination of waste products in the body.

\"feet Soak\"

To help prevent body odor, a person should eat lots of fruits and vegetables (especially raw), and whole grains. A high fiber diet generally aids in the digestion process. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to help keep the kidneys clear and aid in the detoxification process. Some vitamins and herbs are considered helpful in the prevention of body odor. Herbs, which may be helpful, include: cinnamon, coriander, cumin, fennel, ginger, licorice root, nutmeg, oregano, and rosemary. Supplements which may be helpful, include: B6 (pyrodoxine), folic acid, magnesium, and zinc. Taking a bath with added baking soda may also be helpful in reducing body odor. For smelly feet, soak them in tea for about 30 minutes. Green tea or vinegar can also be applied to the body to reduce odor.

Avoid red meat, fried foods, and sugar. Also limit dairy products. Deodorants, though somewhat effective, tend to block the sweat glands, and may ultimately lead to aluminum toxicity.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

What's Good For Preventing Body Odor?

Charles Browne is author of the book "Encyclopedia Of Healing Foods And Supplements"
A Reference Book of Vitamins, Herbs, And Other Foods Used For Nutritional Healing And Disease Prevention

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